Monday, October 18, 2010

Celebration and outlook

Wow, during my off-time the followers hit the MAGIC 217 MARK! Thank you guys! 
Okay, just kidding, there is not that much magical about the 217 :(. Althoug 2 plus 17 equals 19, which is funny if you have read the "Dark Tower"-Novels by Stephen King.
Nevertheless, no other review-update today, but I can assure you that there will be one tomorrow and it will be about the successor of last previews Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, so stay tuned!
Regarding the long term plan: I'll have to be offline the whole next week, also I won't be able to spend that much time on something digital, but I figured I could spend some time thinking about redesigning this whole blog. Just planning it out, actually DOING it is something totally different :F
Also I may disregard this whole one-preview-a-day, since all I could do is write about totally uninteresting games, which would bore you as well as myself. So sometimes, if I stumble over something noteworthy, but also games-related, I shall post that. May it be some kind of news, a screenshot, cool boss-battle-theme, whatever. Even if it's HARDCORE-GAMER-HARDWARE it might get posted, as long as I find it interesting enough.
But of course, in the long run the focus lies definitely on the reviews, and there are quite a few to come, with games like Fallout: New Vegas (PC) or Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light (NDS) around the corner or already out.


  1. One full week T.T, but have fun.
    Also I like your proposed new direction your going to take the blog.

  2. i'll wait for your review of new fallout, have no time to play myself

  3. Oooo i can't wait on the new reviews. Esp. Fallout. :D

  4. Its always better to write something quality than flood your blog with crap, so kudos on choosing the former

  5. Looking forward to the changes. Can't wait.

  6. they are re-releasing ff4 for DS?

  7. 19 is a truly underrated number.

    /I tip my hat to you/

  8. New vegas, cant wait. think it will live up to the hype?

  9. man i can't wait for fallout brother, it's going to be so much fun!!

  10. i like old games, im looking forward to new vegas tho

  11. cool background! and fallout looks legit

  12. awesome read, keep it up

  13. Being following you for a while I just can say... keep it up man?

  14. did u get the new medal of honor ?

  15. Gamer hardware and other related crap could be cool.

  16. Happy 25th birthday to the NES! Definitely excited for New Vegas.

  17. Congrats on the 217 mark. I think once you hit such a point, changes have to made. You are popular now. live it up man. :D

  18. A week away from internet...dont know how will you survive ! :)

  19. looking forward to fallout

  20. your reviews are always good man

  21. We gonna miss your updates u_u

  22. new vegas, pickin it up at midnight woot

  23. It's not surprising, your blog is beautifully laid out and your posts are thoughtful and interesting, keep it up!

  24. i really love your zelda background!

  25. Good job man... 217 is pretty successful
